Thursday, April 25, 2013

A tribute to a fabulous retiring teacher!

One of our amazing 5th grade teacher's is retiring this year and our class decided to create a book called "Common Sense after Retirement." Here my students are re-enacting common sense scenes.  

""Don't poke somebody continuously!"

"Don't write on anybody."

"Don't swim with sharks."

"Don't play freeze tag on the street!"

"Don't swim in flash-floods."

"Don't eat glue" 
"Don't eat too much food."

Learning Government is FUN!

Here are my amazing students taking their government tests . . . we did station testing instead of a pencil and paper test:+)

Friday, February 15, 2013

Making Oxymorons Visual

Oxymorons with style!

He has such a mean smile!

Go take a power nap!

Silent Math Chimes

Silent Math Chimes

For math this week we created silent math chimes. We created and designed squares and circles . . . this project was used for applying our math concepts in order to produce a colorful masterpiece. The vocabulary we covered with this project included: base, parallel, right angle, rotate, degrees,concentric circles, center, chord, diameter, radius. The kids had a blast! 

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Teacher for a day!

 Here are some of my math students teaching another student a specific math concept. They had to create their own lesson plan and assessment.

Hyperbole Frames

Having fun with a hyperbole . . . here students created an exaggerated frame to fit their hyperbole!

Visual Reminders

Behavior Management; Clip it!

Pictures taken of their clean desks. Every Friday I show them this visual to remind them that their desk can look like this . . . so do it!

 Posted objectives so they know what we are doing on a daily basis.

 Quantum Learning: Be the VICTOR not the victim!