Friday, February 15, 2013

Making Oxymorons Visual

Oxymorons with style!

He has such a mean smile!

Go take a power nap!

Silent Math Chimes

Silent Math Chimes

For math this week we created silent math chimes. We created and designed squares and circles . . . this project was used for applying our math concepts in order to produce a colorful masterpiece. The vocabulary we covered with this project included: base, parallel, right angle, rotate, degrees,concentric circles, center, chord, diameter, radius. The kids had a blast! 

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Teacher for a day!

 Here are some of my math students teaching another student a specific math concept. They had to create their own lesson plan and assessment.

Hyperbole Frames

Having fun with a hyperbole . . . here students created an exaggerated frame to fit their hyperbole!

Visual Reminders

Behavior Management; Clip it!

Pictures taken of their clean desks. Every Friday I show them this visual to remind them that their desk can look like this . . . so do it!

 Posted objectives so they know what we are doing on a daily basis.

 Quantum Learning: Be the VICTOR not the victim!

Math Strategy Board

Here is an idea for an interactive bulletin board. Simple! I use this for when a new math concept is introduced and we see how many different strategies we can come up with to get the same results. It's a lot of fun because the kids enjoy seeing their strategy in the classroom. It also works as a reminder in case some students forget how to do certain problems.

Identifying Voice in Novels

Phew! My students understand it! While teaching how to identify voice this week I created a graphic organizer guiding my students through their reading how to locate the personality (voice) of a character. Coupled with the graphic organizer, I modeled identifying the character's voice with the read aloud we are reading in class, Number the Stars. Below is the modeling portion. Not only did they have to find evidence to support their findings but they had to back it up with direct quotes. 

Debate Time!

Researching our patriot/loyalist.

Our classroom set up for our panel debate for Patriots and Loyalists!

 Some portraits the kids drew of patriots/loyalists. 

Debates! My students have been learning about patriots and loyalists and took it to another level. Students were asked to research a patriot or loyalist and "become" that person. They had to imagine they were a patriot or loyalist and take on their perspective. At the end of the week we had a debate about how and why people felt so strongly as to sides. The debate became heated when "King George" stated to the patriots-specifically to" Paul Revere", "We give you back your money in the form of opportunities." Wow! Did that spark fireworks with the patriots. It was incredible to watch 5th graders tap into their adult minds and voice such strong views!